
Because this revelation lamp now shines within you, nothing will be hidden from you—it will all be revealed. Every secret of the kingdom will be unveiled and out in the open, made known by the revelation light.
LUKE 8:17

Just like the ocean, in low tide, is pulled back to reveal the glory of what’s under the waters, the Holy Spirit, upon entry, puts into motion a never-ending, low tide perspective in us. He gives us a fresh perspective of the people & circumstances around us. He reveals to us not only the way He sees the world but also reveals the things in our own lives that are missing His touch. There is never anything that God is pointing out as sin… because He doesn’t see sin. Jesus’ death was not in vain and God will not let it be in vain by pointing out the things Jesus slayed on the cross. When He pulls back the waters of our life and puts His finger on the rigid shells, He is only pointing to our next breakthrough. There are so many sparkling shells of the kingdom hidden in every aspect of life, ready for you to find! There are so many revelations that Papa God wants us to add to our shining collection. He places them in obvious places, rubbing His hands together like a father waiting in excitement for His kids to find His treasure. He’s not ever disappointed if you don’t see what He’s hidden, it’s just an opportunity for Him to try again. He knows we are growing in our new perspective each day and He loves that. He loves the process & so should you. Allow the Holy Spirit to pull back the waters of your perspective and refuse to have a “high-tide” mentality, no matter what the world is shouting.
There are so many shells of revelation 


 just waiting for you! Ready, set, GO!